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last updated 18 July 2000

A Day by A Car


At 27 ages, I eventually got a car lisence. Now I had a car. A driving a car in a small country is so difficult but so-so fun for me. There are so many things that I could not unterstand exactly. Nevertheless, my total ways over 20,000 km. If you average this distance, 2,000 km/ a month. Aren't Abecedarians permitted to drive for so much long distance in public area?? NO?? You are RIGHT! I had many awful time.. Yet, I love "a life with a car" . Please look at this page :-) with gentle minds.

Now I constructed 21 pages in Japanese version. So, I woiuld toddle my way to construct them in English....

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Always you are here (18.06.2000)
#00 Being in each other's pockets (18.07.2000)


